Complete list of blender shortcuts with a example video showing the usage. Updated to Blender 3.4 version.
Action | Keyboard Shortcut | Video |
Zoom view | Mouse Wheel | |
Rotate view | Middle Mouse | |
Pan view | Shift + Middle Mouse | |
Front view (Y axis) | Numpad 1 | |
Top view (Z axis) | Numpad 7 | |
Side view (X axis) | Numpad 3 | |
Back view (Y axis) | Ctrl + Numpad 1 | |
Bottom view (Z axis) | Ctrl + Numpad 7 | |
Side view (X axis) | Ctrl + Numpad 3 | |
Orthographic / Perspective | Numpad 5 | |
Camera View | Numpad 0 | |
Move 3d cursor | Shift + Right Click 3d cursor is where new objects will be created | |
Add objects | Shift + A Menu = Add > Mesh > Plane/cube/sphere | |
delete object | Delete | |
toggle toolbar on left | T Menu = View > Toolbar | |
grab object and move | G > move mouse > left click to finalize | right click to
cancel G > shift+move mouse = move slow in smaller increments G moves object perpendicular to the view (front|side|bottom) | |
grab object and move in x axis | G > X > move in X axis > left click | |
grab object and move in Y axis | G > Y > move in Y axis > left click | |
grab object and move in Z axis | G > Z > move in Z axis > left click | |
G > X|Y|Z > type number to move > Enter | ||
rotate object | R > move mouse > left click to finalize | right click to
cancel R rotates object perpendicular to the view (front|side|bottom) | |
rotate object along X|Y|Z axis | R > X|Y|Z > move to rotate > Left click | right click to cancel | |
R > X|Y|Z > type number degree to rotate > Enter | ||
scale object | S > move mouse > left click to finalize | right click to
cancel S scales object perpendicular to the view (front|side|bottom) | |
scale object along X|Y|Z axis | S > X|Y|Z > move to rotate > Left click | right click to cancel | |
S > X|Y|Z > type number to scale > Enter | ||
Transform menu on right with numbers | N | |
box select | circle select | ||
WireFrame | Solid | Material | Rendered mode | Top right buttons Only rendered view uses light objects | |
Render Scene | F12 | |
Cycles | Eve Render Engine | ||
Setup Camera | Numpad 0 > camera view N > Right menu > View Tab > View Lock > Lock Camera to View Move view to setup camera with it to required camera view. Then unchek the lock camera option Numpad 0 > to come out of camera view now | |
Move Camera to current View | Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 0 | |
Shading Workspace | to see materials | |
Select Object > New Material > Principal BSDF shader | materials have shaders | |
Render Properties > Ambient Occlusion | better shadows in render where light cant go try to turn off bounces approximation and see result | |
Render Properties > Screen Space Reflections | reflections in water etc. better shadows in render where light cant go | |
Render Properties > Bloom | gives out light for emission selected in shader | |
Material slots | Select Object > Create 2 Slots > Select 1 slot > Create/select new material > Go to Edit Mode > select Faces > click assign from new slot | |
Smooth shading | Select object > Right Click > Shade Smooth | |
Smooth Shading Angle | Object Data Properties > Normals > Auto Smooth (30
degrees) all curves below 30 deg will be smooth. Remaining will have proper edge. | |
World Object Shading / HDRI | Shader Editor > World (in drop down) Color = Background Node Color change HDRI = Add > Texture > Environment Texture (hdri) > Link to Background Node | |
Principal BSDF shader | metallic | roughness | emission | |
Environment Texture | can select hdri for world | |
Lighting | can only be seen in render mode | |
Point light | shines in all directions color | power | |
Sun light | direction (rotation) changes shadow direction | |
Spot light | cone light (blend changes softness of shadow) | |
Area light | square light (size of light changes shadow sharpness) | |
HDRI World Light | Shading Workspace > reduce intensity of world node environment texture | |
Emission Shader | Emission shader will not emit light in Eve. It will only emit light in Cycles. So add a light source at the emission source to make it work in Eve. | |
Modelling Workspace | ||
Object Mode | Edit Mode | Tab | |
Edit Mode > Vertex Mode | 1 | |
Edit Mode > Edge Mode | 2 | |
Edit Mode > Face Mode | 3 | |
Selection Tool Cycle | W to switch from one section tool to another Box Select | Circle Select | Region Select | |
Extrude (pull face out perpendicularly with connecting edges) | Select Face > E to extrude > move mouse > left click to finalize | |
Extrude Options | Select Faces multiple > Alt + E > Extrude along Normal | Extrude indivual faces | |
Loop Cut | Ctrl + R > left click 2 times even option = straight cuts flip option = curved cuts loop cut will not go through faces that are n-gons | |
Knife Tool | K for knife > click on edges to cut > or vertices > Enter to finalize | |
Knife Bisect Tool | Left Tool Menu > Knife > Bisect > to create a loop cut across any geometry | |
Bevel – creates cuts at vertex/edges (vertes = cuts a bevel on that edge) (edge = cuts a bevel on that edge) (face = cuts bevels on all edges of face) | Ctrl + B > (V for affect vertices) | |
Bevel – to convert 1 edge loop to multiple edge loops | Select edge loop > Ctrl + B to bevel > add number of cuts to the bevel | |
Duplicate object | Shift + D | |
Collection | add multiple objects in same collection | |
Inset Face | Select Face > E to extrude > -ve Scale to create an inset
> left click Select new face > E extrude move top > left click | |
Outset (adds outer face) | Select Face > E to extrude > +ve Scale to create an outset
> left click Select new face > E extrude move top > left click | |
Inset Face (adds inner face) | Select Face > I to inset (outside or inside) | |
Inset multiple faces together (as separate faces) | Select multiple faces > I to inset > I for individual faces option | |
Select a Face loop | Alt + Left Click on Edge that goes across the face loop | |
Expand selection to adjacent face loops | Ctrl + + | |
Reduce selection to adjacent face loops | Ctrl + – | |
Deselect All | Alt + A | |
Scale in XY plane | Select Face > S to scale > Shift + Z > to scale in all directions except Z | |
Edge Slide | Select Vertex/Edge > G to grab > G to slide along edge > slide and left click | |
Merge Vertices | Select vertices > M (at center | by distance) | |
Join vertices with an edge | Select 2 vertices > J to join with edge | |
Sculpting Workspace | ||
Draw Brush | [X] hold Left Click > pulls object faceoutside hold Ctrl + Left Click > pushes object face inside | |
Resize Brush | hold F | |
Dyntopo option | adds more vertices and triangles to the mesh in scupt mode | |
Dyntopo option > Detailing | Constant Detail = constant mesh size depending on the Resolution
number Relative Detail = mesh size changes depending on brush size | |
Dyntopo option > Resolution | Number indicating how many subdivisions will be added | |
Grab Brush | [G] Left Click to grab and pull the mesh in or out no dynotop – does not add mesh vertices | |
Modifiers | modifies the meshes > Apply to actually change the mesh permanently | |
Decimate Modifier | reduces Face count | |
Proportional Editing in Edit Mode | [O] Provides are circular range where all changes to vertex or faces are applied proportionally to other vertices in the circle | |
Snap | Increment (of grid) | Faces | … Snap with = Closest face | Object Origin | Median Align Rotation to target = rotate object as per the floor snapping face rotation | |
Zoom to selected object | Numpad . | |
Object Origin | Center of object G move object in object mode = move origin with it G move all vertices in edit mode = will not move the object origin Right Click Object > Set Origin > Origin to Geometry = move origin to center Object Mode > Options (top right) > Tranform affect only > select origin = to move origin using G | |
Transform pivot | Center of rotation / scaling median point = scale around the median point of all selected objects individual origin = scale around each objects own origin (for multiple objects mainly) for single object > multiple edge selected > scale in will scale towards object center. Use Transform pivot > individual origin > to scale multiple edges individually inside. | |
Linked Duplicates creation | Alt + D = create a linked duplicate any changes made will affect all duplicates | |
Link 2 objects | Select 2 objects. Object > Link Object data = make both objects linked duplicates Ctrl + L > Link object data = make them linked duplicates Ctrl + L > Link Material data = make them have same material | |
Unlink an object | Select linked object > Object Menu > Relations > Make Single User > Object & Data | |
Mirror Modifier | Delete half of the object faces. Keep only faces that need to be
duplicated Add Mirror modifier Axis = on which axis mirroring needs to be done Move Object Origin at the center of real and mirrored part. Clipping = join the common vertices of original and mirrored parts Apply mirror after all changes done mirror modifier will use the local axis instead of global axis – so apply any rotation to the object before using mirror | |
Apply Scale to reset scale to 1,1,1 | Scale of the object will be changed during many edit operations
to create objects. Click N > check the scale in transform menu. So other operations like bevel etc will not work correctly as they use the scale. To apply the scale to object > Ctrl + A > Scale So scale becomes 1,1,1 and objects normal size is what you have. | |
Apply Rotation to reset rotation to 0 deg | Ctrl + A to apply > Rotation | |
Randomize Vertices | Edit Mode > Select all vertices > Mesh Menu > Transform
> Randomize Set the amount of randomization | radom seed | |
Delete Edge that has no purpose | select edge > Delete > Delete Edge this will remove faces joined to the edge also | |
Dissolve Edge that has no purpose | select edge > Delete > Dissolve Edge this will remove only edge but faces will remain joined to the adjacent edge | |
Join 2 objects (like wall and pillar) to make single object | select both objects > Ctrl +J to join Last selected object will be the base object Object origin of joined object will be taken from the last selected object | |
Movement G and Rotation R happen in the plane of view only for
Front / Side / Top view So in a custom view, rotation will happen perpendicular to the camera (in the plane of view) | So if you go to front view (XZ plane) then G movement will
happen in XZ plane only. Rotation R will also happen in XZ plane. In 3d view – this can be achieved by using the G > Shift + Y > to make movement or rotation in XZ plane. | |
Select Linked vertices | L (useful in joined objects) | |
Select Inverse vertices that are not selected | Ctrl + I | |
Hide Selected vertices in Edit Mode Hide object in object mode | H | |
Unhide objects / hidden vertices in edit mode | Atl + H | |
Reduce selection | Ctrl + – | |
Increase selection | Ctrl + + | |
View object in isolation mode | Numpad / to go in and out of isolation mode | |
Move 3D cursor (new objects will be added at the 3d cursor) | Shift + S > to bring the 3d cursor menu cursor to world origin | cursor to selected | selected to cursor | … or Shift + Right Click > to move 3d cursorto that point | |
Move to collection | select multiple object > M > to move to new collection > give name of collection | |
wide camera shot | Select camera > Object data properties > Focal length | |