–Section– –Content– Part 1: Nested Class Types & Benefits Basic Syntax, Types of Nested Classes and Benefits Part 2: Nested Class Object Creation Create Objects of – Inner Class, Static Nested Class, Local Class, Anonymous Class Part 3: Nested Class Member Access Access Members in Outer Class, Inner Class, Static Nested Class, Local Class, Anonymous […]
Author: hanucodes@gmail.com
Google Sheet to HTML Table | Free Download
Why this script was created? We like to work in Google Sheets a lot. We create a nice piece of information in a tabular format. Often times we will need to display this information on our web page. And we don’t want to do any re-work, just show the table as-it-is. This script will convert […]
Spring Boot Complete Tutorial

Part 1: Deployment, STS, Run
Part 2: Maven – pom
Complex SQL Queries – Free Download

Part 1: join
Part 2: join + group by
Part 3: group by on multiple columns
Part 4: multiple independent cte
Part 5: multiple dependent cte + row_number
Part 6: nested select + dense_rank
Part 7: series calculation + rank
Part 8: single cte + row_number
Part 9: single cte + lead
Part 10: conditional sum + cte
SQL and JAVA Connection using JDBC – Free Download

Part 1: Java Jdbc Basics
Part 2: Execute SQL Queries with Java
Part 3: Call Stored Procedures in Java
Part 4: Batch Execution and Bulk Copy
SQL Stored Procedure Guide – Free Download!

Part 1: Variables
Part 2: Input Parameters
Part 3: Output Parameters
Part 4: Conditional Statements
Part 5: Table Valued Parameters
Part 6: Loop Statements
YouTube Embed Gallery Plugin for WordPress Demo – YouRam
YouTube Embed Plugin WordPress: https://wordpress.org/plugins/youram-youtube-embed/
SQL Queries – All in One

Part 1: Basic Selection Queries
Part 2: Aggregate Functions SQL
Part 3: String Functions SQL
Part 4: Conditional Queries
Part 5: Combining Data Queries
Part 6: Window Functions
Part 7: Ranking Functions
Part 8: Data Insertion Queries
Part 9: Data Updation Queries
Part 10: Common Table Expression
Part 11: User Defined Functions
Part 12: Table Functions
Part 13: SQL SubQueries
Part 14: SQL Joins
Part 15: SQL Wildcards
Part 16: SQL Range Operators
OAuth 2.0 Cheat Sheet: What is OAuth 2? – Actors, EndPoints, Grant Types, OAuth Flows

Part 1: OAuth Actors
Part 2: OAuth EndPoints
Part 3: OAuth Grant Types
Part 4: OAuth Flows – Authorization Code Flow
Spring Boot Tutorial : Part 1 REST
Annotation Meaning @RestController Defines Class that provides REST APIs endpoints methods @RequestMapping(“/myapp”) Defines endpoint for the overall API Class @GetMapping(“/info”) @GetMapping(“/students/{studentId}”) Defines Method that provides API endpoint implementation (@PathVariable int studentId) Defines Variable containing data in endpoint link